Enfermeros de tu mano
Company overview
Headquarters: Colombia
Countries of Operations: Colombia
Women owned /led: Information not available
Year of founding: 2015
Number of FTEs
: >100 FTEs
Legal status of the organization
: For-profit
Company overview
Website: www.lavanderiapp.io
Headquarters: Mexico
Countries of Operations: Mexico
Legal status of the organization
: For-profit
Year of founding: 2018
Number of FTEs
: 5 to 20 FTEs
Women owned / led: Founder
Care economy activities and business model
About the organization:
Enfermeros a tu Mano is a company that has home health services specializing in non-vital emergencies and special care. They have a team of professionals taking care of those who remain in medical-special conditions, both at home and in hospitals.
Activities in the care economy:
Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work (e.g. affordable daycare services in rural areas)
Enfermeros a tu Mano is a company that has home health services specializing in non-vital emergencies and special care. They have a team of professionals taking care of those who remain in medical-special conditions, both at home and in hospitals.
Stage of growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Type of services: Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons), Care for people with illnesses
Number of customers (2020): Not available
Number of customers (2019): Not available
Number of customers (2018): Not available
Type of services: Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons), Care for people with illnesses
Number of customers (2020): Not available
Number of customers (2019): Not available
Number of customers (2018): Not available
Revenue USD (2020): Not available
Revenue USD (2019): Not available
Revenue USD (2018): Not available
Pathways to impact
Challenge addressed:
Lack of affordable solutions to reduce amount of time spent on care and domestic work (Reduce), Limited redistribution of care and domestic work to other actors in the care economy (Redistribute)
Pathway to impact - 4 Rs: Reduce, Redistribute
Populations affected: Persons with special needs or with illnesses
Number of people served (2020): Not available
Number of people served (2019): Not available
Number of people served (2018): Not available