Washly BD
Website: washlybd.com
Headquarters: Bangladesh
Country of Operations: Bangladesh
Women owned / led: None

About the organization: Washly BD is a for-profit entity that provides laundry services to urban households in Bangladesh. Customers can use online platform or the app to request for laundry pick-ups that are delivered within 24 hours. Washly BD’s services reduce the burden of washing, drying and ironing clothes, bulk of which is undertaken by women.
Stage of Growth: Launch/Pilot
Types of Services: Domestic services, Labor saving solutions
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work
Pathway to impact: Reduce
Website: www.atecbio.com
Headquarters: Bangladesh
Country of Operations: Bangladesh, Cambodia
Women owned / led: Information not available

About the organization: ATEC Biodigesters International (ATEC) is a for-profit entity that provides sustainable, affordable and accessible clean cooking products for base of the pyramid households in Bangladesh and Cambodia. It has integrated a pay-as-you-go (“PAYGO”) consumer finance model with the household biodigesters, allowing rural farmers to easily access a technology that produces biogas as a clean cooking solution, as well as sustainable, organic fertilizer for agriculture. For women and girls, the entity’s product reduces the drudgery associated with accessing firewood for cooking. It also has positive impacts on the environment and health of women.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Labour saving solutions
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable time and labour saving technology and products (e.g. product that makes washing
Pathway to impact: Reduce
Nursing Homecare BD
Website: www.nursinghomecarebd.com
Headquarters: Bangladesh
Country of Operations: Bangladesh
Women owned / led: Information not available

About the organization: Nursing Homecare BD is a for-profit company that provides home care and nursing services in Bangladesh. It provides home care services for patients and elderly that need assistance for their daily needs. Its services include connecting mothers with nurses to give proper care and support to the newly born babies and infants at home. The company’s services redistribute and reduce care and domestic work within the household.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Child-care (Ages 1 to 5) Child-care (Ages 6 and above) Elderly-care (Ages 60 and above) Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons) Care for people with illnesses
Activities in the care economy: Provision of technology & services that train/upskill domestic & care workers (e.g. technology that links employers to domestic/care workers)
Pathway to impact: Redistribute
Website: drinkwellsystems.com
Headquarters: United States of America
Country of Operations: Bangladesh, India
Women owned / led: None

About the organization: Drinkwell is a for-profit that provides water infrastructure solutions in Bangladesh and India. Drinkwell provides water filtration systems and ATM dispensing machines that households can use to obtain arsenic- and fluoride-free water. This has reduced time spent on obtaining clean water in low-income households and institutions.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Labour saving solutions
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable time and labour saving technology and products
Pathway to impact: Reduce
Website: www.phulkibd.org
Headquarters: Bangladesh
Country of Operations: Bangladesh
Women owned / led: Founded by at least one woman, At least 51% owned by women, At least 30% women in senior leadership positions, At least 30% of women in board of directors

About the organization: Phulki is the pioneer in establishing early childhood development programs in Bangladesh. Phulki provides various training on health issues, woman rights, and vocational trainings such as caregiver training, supervision training and others, to increase women’s financial stability. It has setup childcare facilities in the workplace for women that are employed in garment factories in Bangladesh. Phulki also works with domestic house helpers building their capacity.
Stage of Growth: Established/Mature
Types of Services: Infant-care (children younger than 1-year), Child-care (Ages 1 to 5), Child-care (Ages 6 and above), Domestic services, Labour saving solutions
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work
Pathway to impact: Reduce, Redistribute
Moner Bondhu
Website: www.monerbondhu.org
Headquarters: Bangladesh
Country of Operations: Bangladesh
Women owned / led: Information not available

About the organization: Moner Bondhu is a platform to provide care for mental health and well-being service in Bangladesh. Moner Bondhu provides care services through accessible, affordable, convenient professional counselling. It draws recognition to the mental health issues faced by people.
Stage of Growth: Small scale roll-out/Early stage
Types of Services: Care for people with illnesses
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work
Pathway to impact: Reduce
Website: www.arogga.com
Headquarters: Bangladesh
Country of Operations: Bangladesh
Women owned / led: Founded by at least one woman

About the organization: Arogga is a a for-profit digital pharmacy and healthcare startup in Bangladesh. It has developed an app that enables patients to manage, order and track the delivery of medication and healthcare products in and around Dhaka. Arogga increases affordability and availability of medicines by buying in bulk and passing a percentage of the manufacturer’s discount to its customers. The platform also provides services such as doctor consultations, laboratory testing and insurance. Its services reduce the burden of unpaid care work involved in taking care of family members with chronic illnesses that require frequent follow-ups and medications. It enables customers to sources all prescribed medications from a single source.
Stage of Growth: Small scale roll-out/Early stage
Types of Services: “Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons) Care for people with illnesses”
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work
Pathway to impact: Reduce
Website: hellotask.app
Headquarters: Singapore
Country of Operations: Bangladesh
Women owned / led: None

About the organization: HelloTask is a for-profit online platform that connects domestic workers to potential employers in Bangladesh. In developing countries, most care workers are not smartphone users, which has excluded them from digital opportunities. The company has built a technology that connects any mobile phone user to employers in real-time. Through its model, HelloTask improves access to opportunities for domestic workers.
Stage of Growth: Small scale roll-out/Early stage
Types of Services: Domestic services
Activities in the care economy: Provision of technology & services that train/upskill domestic & care workers
Pathway to impact: Recognize, Reward, Redistribute
Eau et Vie
Website: www.eauetvie.fr
Headquarters: France
Country of Operations: Bangladesh, Philippines
Women owned / led: Founded by at least one woman, At least 30% women in senior leadership positions, At least 30% of women in board of directors

About the organization: Eau et Vie is a non-profit that develops water networks in slum areas to provide affordable and sustainable tap water at home. The organization is able to serve tap water in locations where operators of municipal systems are unable to reach. This enables time savings for women and reduces drudgery in accessing water from inconvenient locations. Furthermore, it not only promotes urban inclusion but also has impacts on aspects such as hygiene (personal and menstrual), fire-fighting, waste management and sanitation.
Stage of Growth: Small scale roll-out/Early stage
Types of Services: Domestic services, Labour saving solutions
Activities in the care economy: Provision of technology, services & policies/practice that improve conditions for domestic & care worker
Pathway to impact: Recognize, Reduce
HandyMama.co Ltd
Website: handymama.co
Headquarters: Bangladesh
Country of Operations: Bangladesh
Women owned / led: None

About the organization: HandyMama is an on-demand home services platform in Bangladesh. This for-profit company connects its customers with trained and verified service providers, such as professional cleaners, maintenance people, packers and movers. The company’s workforce includes 40% women and it intends to launch other services such as cooking, cleaning and laundry services soon. HandyMama is able to reduce the burden of care work by providing affordable and standardized domestic services.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Domestic services, Labour saving solutions
Activities in the care economy: Provision of technology, services & policies/practice that improve conditions for domestic & care worker
Pathway to impact: Recognize, Reward, Redistribute