Instituto de Promoción y Formación de Trabajadoras del Hogar IPROFOTH
Company overview
Headquarters: Peru
Countries of Operations: Peru
Women owned /led: Founded by at least one woman, At least 51% owned by women, At least 30% women in senior leadership positions, At least 30% of women in board of directors
Year of founding: 1980
Number of FTEs
: 5 to 20 FTEs
Legal status of the organization
: Non-profit
For more information, download the full
business profile here
Company overview
Headquarters: Mexico
Countries of Operations: Mexico
Legal status of the organization
: For-profit
Year of founding: 2018
Number of FTEs
: 5 to 20 FTEs
Women owned / led: Founder
Care economy activities and business model
About the organization:
IPROFOTH is a Peruvian organization made up and directed 100% by women domestic workers. They offer nursery services for caring for and stimulating children of care workers. The most vulnerable care and domestic workers, mostly migrant women, receive shelter services, training, job placement guidance, and labor rights protection. IPROFOTH's main challenge is to raise awareness in the recognition and appreciation of the contribution made by women in the care economy. They seek to improve the quality of life of domestic workers, empowering them via good compensations, resilience strategies, and recognition of their contribution to the care economy. Iprofoth’s political action and articulation with civil society pushed the ratification of the International Labor Office's Convention 189 and the approval of a new law for domestic workers in Peru.
Activities in the care economy:
Provision of technology & services that train/upskill domestic & care workers (e.g. technology that links employers to domestic/care workers), Provision of technology, services & policies/practice that improve condition for domestic & care worker (e.g. apps that calculate decent remuneration), Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work (e.g. affordable daycare services in rural areas), Awareness raising on the care economy through marketing, information campaigns & programmes that raise awareness & increase motivation
IPROFOTH is a Peruvian organization made up and directed 100% by women domestic workers. They offer nursery services for caring for and stimulating children of care workers. The most vulnerable care and domestic workers, mostly migrant women, receive shelter services, training, job placement guidance, and labor rights protection. IPROFOTH's main challenge is to raise awareness in the recognition and appreciation of the contribution made by women in the care economy. They seek to improve the quality of life of domestic workers, empowering them via good compensations, resilience strategies, and recognition of their contribution to the care economy. Iprofoth’s political action and articulation with civil society pushed the ratification of the International Labor Office's Convention 189 and the approval of a new law for domestic workers in Peru.
Stage of growth: Small scale roll-out/Early stage
Type of services: Child-care (Ages 1 to 5), Child-care (Ages 6 and above), Domestic services
Number of customers (2020): Less than 1K
Number of customers (2019): Less than 1K
Number of customers (2018): Less than 1K
Type of services: Child-care (Ages 1 to 5), Child-care (Ages 6 and above), Domestic services
Number of customers (2020): Less than 1K
Number of customers (2019): Less than 1K
Number of customers (2018): Less than 1K
Revenue USD (2020): 10K- less than 50K
Revenue USD (2019): 10K- less than 50K
Revenue USD (2018): 10K- less than 50K
Pathways to impact
Challenge addressed:
Lack of recognition and action with regards to unfair distribution of care and domestic work (Recognize), Lack of / poor remuneration for care and domestic workers (Reward), Limited redistribution of care and domestic work to other actors in the care economy (Redistribute)
Pathway to impact - 4 Rs: #N/A
Populations affected: Unpaid care workers, Paid care workers, Unpaid domestic workers, Paid domestic workers
Number of people served (2020): Less than 1K
Number of people served (2019): Less than 1K
Number of people served (2018): Less than 1K