Sustainable Energy Technologies Limited (SETECH)
Company overview
Headquarters: Ghana
Countries of Operations: Ghana
Women owned /led: At least 30% women in senior leadership positions
Year of founding: 2019
Number of FTEs
: 5 to 20 FTEs
Legal status of the organization
: For-profit
For more information, download the full
business profile here
Company overview
Headquarters: Mexico
Countries of Operations: Mexico
Legal status of the organization
: For-profit
Year of founding: 2018
Number of FTEs
: 5 to 20 FTEs
Women owned / led: Founder
Care economy activities and business model
About the organization:
SETECH is a for-profit entity based in Ghana that provides clean cooking and solar lighting solutions to households and women dominated agro-industries in rural and peri-urban communities. It not only reduces the time spent by women and girls on sourcing fuel for cooking but also contributes to reduced energy expenditures.
Activities in the care economy:
Provision of affordable time and labour saving technology and products
SETECH is a for-profit entity based in Ghana that provides clean cooking and solar lighting solutions to households and women dominated agro-industries in rural and peri-urban communities. It not only reduces the time spent by women and girls on sourcing fuel for cooking but also contributes to reduced energy expenditures.
Stage of growth: Small scale roll-out/Early stage
Type of services: Labour saving solutions
Number of customers (2020): Less than 1,000
Number of customers (2019): Information not available
Number of customers (2018): Not applicable
Type of services: Labour saving solutions
Number of customers (2020): Less than 1,000
Number of customers (2019): Information not available
Number of customers (2018): Not applicable
Revenue USD (2020): Between 10,000 to 50,000
Revenue USD (2019): Between 10,000 to 50,000
Revenue USD (2018): Not applicable
Pathways to impact
Challenge addressed:
Lack of affordable solutions to reduce amount of time spent on care and domestic work
Pathway to impact - 4 Rs: Reduce
Populations affected: Unpaid care workers, Paid care workers, Unpaid domestic workers, Paid domestic workers
Number of people served (2020): Information not available
Number of people served (2019): Information not available
Number of people served (2018): Not applicable