Prime Indonesia

Company overview
Headquarters: Indonesia
Countries of Operations: Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zambia, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea
Women owned /led: Founded by at least one woman
Year of founding: 2014
Number of FTEs : 5 to 20 FTEs
Legal status of the organization : For-profit
Company overview
Headquarters: Mexico
Countries of Operations: Mexico
Legal status of the organization : For-profit
Year of founding: 2018
Number of FTEs : 5 to 20 FTEs
Women owned / led: Founder
Care economy activities and business model
About the organization:
Prime Indonesia is a for-profit enterprise that produces and distributes energy-saving biomass stoves. The company serves poor people in Indonesia by providing cheaper cook stoves. It reduces the amount of time spent by women in cooking and wood collection, and saves households from spending on refilling LPG or Kerosene. In addition, prime stoves are also healthy and energy-efficient products, reducing maternal and child mortality due to smoke when cooking using traditional stoves.
Activities in the care economy: Provision of technology, services & policies/practice that improve conditions for domestic & care worker
Stage of growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Type of services: Domestic services
Number of customers (2020): Less than 1,000
Number of customers (2019): Less than 1,000
Number of customers (2018): Less than 1,000
Profitability status: Not profitable yet but planning to become profitable within 5 years
Revenue USD (2020): Less than 10,000
Revenue USD (2019): Less than 10,000
Revenue USD (2018): Between 10,000 to 50,000
Pathways to impact
Challenge addressed: Lack of affordable solutions to reduce amount of time spent on care and domestic work
Pathway to impact - 4 Rs: Reduce
Populations affected: Unpaid care workers, Infants or children, Elderly people
Number of people served (2020): Less than 1,000
Number of people served (2019): Less than 1,000
Number of people served (2018): Less than 1,000