Ace Cambodia
Company overview
Headquarters: Cambodia
Countries of Operations: Cambodia, Uganda
Women owned /led: Information not available
Year of founding: 2011
Number of FTEs
: 50 to 100 FTEs
Legal status of the organization
: For-profit

Company overview
Headquarters: Mexico
Countries of Operations: Mexico

Legal status of the organization
: For-profit
Year of founding: 2018
Number of FTEs
: 5 to 20 FTEs
Women owned / led: Founder
Care economy activities and business model
About the organization:
ACE is a for-profit entity with operations in Cambodia, Lesotho and Uganda. The ACE One energy system is an integral energy solution for off-the-grid households in the developing world. It provides a device that uses a combination of thermal and electric generation to provide a clean, smokeless cooking experience for its users, a high quality solar-biomass hybrid enabling users to cook using significantly less fuel and offers access to electricity for mobile charging and lighting. The entity's product helps reduce harmful indoor smoke emissions which can cause significant health problems and reduces the drudgery associated with care work.
Activities in the care economy:
Provision of affordable time and labour saving technology and products (e.g. product that makes washing, cooking more efficient)
ACE is a for-profit entity with operations in Cambodia, Lesotho and Uganda. The ACE One energy system is an integral energy solution for off-the-grid households in the developing world. It provides a device that uses a combination of thermal and electric generation to provide a clean, smokeless cooking experience for its users, a high quality solar-biomass hybrid enabling users to cook using significantly less fuel and offers access to electricity for mobile charging and lighting. The entity's product helps reduce harmful indoor smoke emissions which can cause significant health problems and reduces the drudgery associated with care work.
Stage of growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Type of services: Labour saving solutions
Number of customers (2020): Information not available
Number of customers (2019): Information not available
Number of customers (2018): Information not available
Type of services: Labour saving solutions
Number of customers (2020): Information not available
Number of customers (2019): Information not available
Number of customers (2018): Information not available
Revenue USD (2020): Information not available
Revenue USD (2019): Information not available
Revenue USD (2018): Information not available
Pathways to impact
Challenge addressed:
Lack of affordable solutions to reduce amount of time spent on care and domestic work (Reduce)
Pathway to impact - 4 Rs: Reduce
Populations affected: Unpaid care workers Paid care workers Unpaid domestic workers Paid domestic workers
Number of people served (2020): Information not available
Number of people served (2019): Information not available
Number of people served (2018): Information not available