We reviewed over 200 businesses worldwide*, and have identified over 165 businesses operating in the care economy across Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia who met the following 4 criteria: 
1. Geography focus: operating in project target countries.
2. Care economy impact: business activities recognize, reduce, reward or redistribute care work.
3. Proof of concept: care economy activities at least at the launch stage (none of the businesses are at concept stage).
4. Market-based intervention: already or planning to be financially profitable or to generate income in the medium term.

Out of the mapping we selected 60 businesses to conduct a full profile and showcase potential investment opportunities. These profiles have been created from information and data provided by the business itself. Use the filter on the left to access the businesses profiled.

* Disclaimer: The data presented in the business mapping and profiles is based on information provided by the businesses and has not been independently verified

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Headquarters: Chile

Country of Operations: Chile
Women owned / led: Founded by at least one woman, At least 51% owned by women, At least 30% women in senior leadership positions
About the organization: Activos is a Chilean web platform that delivers home care services by qualified assistants based on care needs assessment for their users. Activos provides training for their assistants and has a support line available for caregivers and their family members. Through their methodology approach, Activos aims to enhance the quality of life of its users by promoting active routines that plan day-to-day activities. Activo’s team is looking to optimize administrative expenses associated with shifts coordination and aims to proportionate affordable solutions to reduce time spent on care and domestic work.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Elderly-care (Ages 60 and above), Care for people with illnesses
Activities in the care economy: Provision of technology & services that train/upskill domestic & care workers (e.g. technology that links employers to domestic/care workers), Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work (e.g. affordable daycare services in rural areas)
Pathway to impact: Reduce, Redistribute


Headquarters: Philippines

Country of Operations: Philippines
Women owned / led: Founded by at least one woman
About the organization: AIDE provides reliable and affordable home care services to clients in Philippines. It offers a digital marketplace for healthcare service at home, patients can book an appointment for health care service such as nursing care and doctor home visit. This for-profit company reduces the burden of care work by providing affordable and standardized home-care services.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: “Infant-care (children younger than 1-year)
Child-care (Ages 1 to 5) Child-care (Ages 6 and above) Elderly-care (Ages 60 and above) Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons) Care for people with illnesses”
Activities in the care economy: services & policies/practice that improve condition for domestic & care worker (e.g. apps that calculate decent remuneration)
Pathway to impact: Reduce

Aseana Caregivers

Headquarters: Philippines, Other Asian countries

Country of Operations: Singapore
Women owned / led: Information not available
About the organization: Aseana Caregivers is a home healthcare provider based in Singapore. It provides trained and qualified live-in caregivers, homes nursing, homecare services and other healthcare related programs. The company is a for-profit that reduces the burden on family members, especially women. It also redistributes care work on the household and provides upskilling services for the caregivers.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Elderly-care (Ages 60 and above), Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons), Care for people with illnesses
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work (e.g. affordable daycare services in rural areas)
Pathway to impact: Redistribute


Headquarters: Netherlands

Country of Operations: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Other Latin America Countries
Women owned / led: At least 30% women in senior leadership positions
About the organization: Babysits is a company that offers families in Latam a platform for childcare so they can feel their children are in the best hands. The safety and comfort of children are Babysits’ top priority. The tool allows parents to take mandatory government measures and other activities to eliminate parental concerns in taking care of their children. In addition, Babysits offers multiple resources, such as childcare tips and craft activities, designed for parents to spend quality time with their kids. Their mission is to empower communities regarding childcare worldwide.
Stage of Growth: Established/Mature
Types of Services: Infant-care (children younger than 1-year), Child-care (Ages 1 to 5), Child-care (Ages 6 and above)
Pathway to impact: Reduce, Redistribute


Website: www.falck.co
Headquarters: Denmark

Country of Operations: Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Other Latin America Countries
Women owned / led: Information not available
About the organization: Falck is a leading international provider of ambulances and healthcare services. For more than a century, they have worked with local and national governments to prevent accidents, illnesses, and emergencies. Falck quickly and competently rescue and assist people in emergencies and contributes to their rehabilitation after illness or disease/injury. They are committed to caring for people and society and being there whenever people need assistance.
Stage of Growth: Established/Mature
Types of Services: Elderly-care (Ages 60 and above), Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons), Care for people with illnesses
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work (e.g. affordable daycare services in rural areas)
Pathway to impact: Reduce, Redistribute

First care (Grupo Vita)

Website: firstcare.cl
Headquarters: Chile

Country of Operations: Chile
Women owned / led: Information not available
About the organization: First Care is a company that sells products that contribute to care for people with diseases that require special instruments or products to carry out their daily activities. They offer products such as Clinical Beds, Wheelchairs, Mobility Aids, Bathroom Aids, and other accessories. First Care’s mission is to provide the best products to improve the quality of life of the elderly, people with illnesses, or people with disabilities.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Elderly-care (Ages 60 and above), Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons), Care for people with illnesses
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable time and labour saving technology and products (e.g. product that makes washing, cooking more efficient)
Pathway to impact: Reduce


Headquarters: Chile

Country of Operations: Chile, Other Countries
Women owned / led: None
For more information, download the full
business profile here

About the organization: Lazarillo is a Chilean app that helps people with visual disabilities to improve their independence with information on their routes to access physical or digital services. Lazarillo addresses the lack of affordable solutions to reduce the amount of time spent on care and domestic work by improving the well-being and independence of people with disabilities. They have benefited more than 400,000 people by delivering a simple platform that made it easier for people to have traveled more than 6000 times around the world independently.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons)
Activities in the care economy: Provision of technology & services that train/upskill domestic & care workers (e.g. technology that links employers to domestic/care workers)
Pathway to impact: Reduce

Lively Minds

Headquarters: United Kingdom

Country of Operations: Ghana, Uganda
Women owned / led: Founded by at least one woman
About the organization: Lively Minds is a non-profit entity that ensures that children in highly deprived communities in Ghana and Uganda receive quality education and care in their early years. Working through government, the Lively Minds programme builds the skills and confidence of marginalised, rural mothers to run educational Play Schemes, and provide nurturing care for their children at home. This improves the quality of life and life-chances for rural children, whilst empowering parents and communities.
Stage of Growth: Established/Mature
Types of Services: Child-care (Ages 1 to 5), Child-care (Ages 6 and above)
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work
Pathway to impact: Reduce


Website: nannyfy.com
Headquarters: Spain

Country of Operations: Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile, other Latin America countries
Women owned / led: Founded by at least one woman
About the organization: Nannyfy is a platform guided by “nannies” that promote learning in children to assist parents through digital content. Nannyfy allows parents to offer an interactive and exciting experience for their children from 3 to 12 years of age with live videos that stimulate kids´ learning skills. Nannyfy´s services also include enterprises’ solutions to implement corporate activities with families and their children, among others.
Stage of Growth: Established/Mature
Types of Services: Infant-care (children younger than 1-year), Child-care (Ages 1 to 5), Child-care (Ages 6 and above)
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work (e.g. affordable daycare services in rural areas)
Pathway to impact: Reduce


Headquarters: Spain

Country of Operations: Colombia, Argentina, Chile, other Latin America countries
Women owned / led: Information not available
About the organization: Timbrit is an all-in-one platform that offers an array of home services that connects readily to help professionals with any project, including cleaning, caregiving, among others, such as home repairs or emergencies.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Child-care (Ages 6 and above), Domestic services, Labour saving solutions
Activities in the care economy: Provision of affordable time and labour saving technology and products (e.g. product that makes washing, cooking more efficient), Provision of affordable services that provide care & domestic work (e.g. affordable daycare services in rural areas)
Pathway to impact: Reduce, Redistribute

Zennya Health

Headquarters: Philippines

Country of Operations: Philippines
Women owned / led: Information not available
About the organization: Zennya is a for-profit company that provides online doctor consultations as well as home medical services in Philippines. Through provision of services such as general health check-ups and medical tests at home, it redistributes and reduces the burden of care work on the family members. It also enables patients to receive the care they need without leaving their homes, doing away with the potentially cumbersome transport arrangements and long wait times at clinics and / or hospitals.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: “Infant-care (children younger than 1-year)
Child-care (Ages 1 to 5) Child-care (Ages 6 and above) Elderly-care (Ages 60 and above) Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons) Care for people with illnesses”
Activities in the care economy: services & policies/practice that improve condition for domestic & care worker (e.g. apps that calculate decent remuneration)
Pathway to impact: Redistribute


Website: zolvers.com
Headquarters: Argentina

Country of Operations: Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia
Women owned / led: Founded by at least one woman, At least 51% owned by women, At least 30% women in senior leadership positions
About the organization: Zolvers is an online platform that aims to improve the lives of 17 million domestic workers in Latin America through better job opportunities and financial inclusion. Zolvers offer a range of care and household services: accompaniment for the elderly, nursing, care for people with disabilities, plumbing, painting, electricity services, gas filters, house and office cleaning, installation services, and general repairs. They directly impact the redistribution of care and domestic services to a third party, helping to reduce the time households spend on those activities. Through technology, its mission is to connect customers with people looking for cleaning or home maintenance work.
Stage of Growth: Mass roll-out/Expansion
Types of Services: Elderly-care (Ages 60 and above), Care for persons with special needs (disabled / differently abled persons), Care for people with illnesses, Domestic services, Labour saving solutions
Pathway to impact: Recognize, Reward, Redistribute